(no subject)

Jan 04, 2011 18:47

~ New Twilight Manipulations ~

Finally I updated my new manips...
I was so busy with the holidays and my family that I found no time before. I know I promised you that my next upload will be from Jake/Nessie but I couldn´t finish them yet..in a few days I will have them...PROMISE!
So now I have Jasper/Bella and for niki1988 I made request manips about Angela/Riley.
So enjoy it...


Jasper holds his Bella...=)...don´t need more to say, right?

I did the manip in b/w too..a little bit different and without text...I wanted to make it a little darker than the first, more grungy but decided against it. It was too much and just the picture in b/w is good too...

I love the basis from Jasper so much that I needed to make one with it again. It is one of Julia´s basis. You can find it there

Again I changed a Alice/Jasper picture in a Bella/Jasper one. Can´t stop it...=D

short picspam....=)


Angela/Riley request (for niki1988)
I hope you like it....

So that is all for today....let me know what do you think about it...thanks


twilight manips

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