Apr 22, 2009 00:31
[A very naked Aziraphale appears to be trying to find his clothes, and has instead toggled on the "on" button to display his nakedness to everyone. There can be no doubt as to his origins, as large, white, opalescent wings sprout from between his shoulders. Though his face is the color of a mouldy tomato (red, with a bit of green around the edges), he is trying to play off this unexpected turn of events with a studied nonchalance that would indicate terrific embarrassment. His lips are moving, and as he bends down to the chair on which lie his pants, shirt, and journal what he is muttering comes onto the audio. The lilt is more of one trying not to panic by saying a favorite phrase, than of one in devout devotion.]
"..who art in Heaven. Hallowed be thy Name. Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done on Earth as it is in ah-HA!"
[A large smile decides to camp across Aziraphale's lips, as he holds up an invisible something. He puts it on a mite awkwardly, and it resolves into a dark green, long sleeved sweater, that appears to be inside-out. A moment later, his fingers touch the journal, and as Aziaphale realizes he's broadcasting, the color vanishes from his cheeks and he becomes the kind of pale usually reserved for teenaged patrons of Hot Topic.]
"Oh...Oh, my...I....."
[The screen goes black, and anyone within eyeshot of Aziraphale's room would see him groan and curl his head into the crook of his elbows, lest he die of acute shame.]