GoFundMe campaign (x-posted to my journal)

Jun 28, 2016 04:24

I've decided to try GoFundMe (again), because things have spun out of my control.

We can't catch a break. Matthew can get job after job, but he's having a lot of trouble *keeping* those jobs. We've contacted the office of vocational rehab and hopefully can get him back into that program and they can find something more lasting for him. Megan...needs to file for disability. She has too many health issues at this time to think she can work. I've had some freelance work, but it's like putting a bandage over a cut that's gushing blood.

So I set up the GFM. I estimate $2000 to get everything caught up -- and hopefully by the time everything is due again at the end of July/beginning of August, Matthew will have a job and we can continue on.

Here's the link: gofundme.com/2bpft9bj

Please, please, share the link around. If you can't donate, and I know a lot of people just don't have the extra, just repost/share the link.

Thank you. *hugs flist*
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