Dec 08, 2004 20:23
do you guys remember when i wrote? so much more than i do now. gah. reposting i am. love it if you will.
"Tragedy, 1955"
how long will it take to push you far far away from the gun in my shaking hads? these words i've said so many times in my head are becoming real again can i be forgivenfor what's in between the time left off and where we pick up? i'm not responsible for what comes out of my mouth tonight...
it's what takes us out of this place to erase the burns on our hearts it's what makes up our demons in our minds, slowly torn apart lack thereof makes us needing of a life worth living when right in front of the bars there it is...
A romance lives foever but always dies so young how tragic that we must relive this again and again before i pull the trigger i want to say i love you always, 1955...
how long will it take to bring these walls crashing down around us? These words i've said so many times surround us and are fogging my reality can i be forgiven for my memories and the future that i stole? i'm not responsible for what comes out of my pain here tonight...
it's what takes us out of this place to stab us clean through the heart it's what makes up betrayal in our minds, slowly torn apart lack thereof makes us needing of a life worth living when right in front of the bars it had sat for so long...
A romance lives foever but always dies so young how tragic that we must relive this again and again before i pull the trigger i want to say i love you always, 1955...
... angel
and becuase you murdered her battered heart
here's the sweetest cliche torn apart to show
exactly how much she would have wept for you
hung from her own guitar strings
do you recognize the steady beat
the rythm where you laughed for the first time
and told her impossible lies
what a tease, you said
never knowing real sincerity will do that
you're reckless, rakish, and thanks for nothing
is the message she leaves
her bitter ending
laced with venomous revenge
and slow setting forgiveness
and to you all, i say hello
it's the new me
holding on to your hand tighter than you were holding mine
[which is saying something!]
and i'll forgive everyone of your lies
all your pathetic excuses
because i'll love you until the day you die.
lead them or leave them
she begs for me to go
and still a part of me knows
i don't have to win anything
nothing but this
i don't have dreams anymore
except of their wishes killed by destiny
down there in the jaws
my love, my hope, my cause
i might kill them all
or if i can't
i'll lead them
leave them
to die by their own dull sowrds
drowned on my empty words
i was led away
pulled from the only one i trusted, irony
hope, where are you?
love, where have you gone?
flesh, don't answer
bones, i'm begging you not to answer
to the echoing knock...