Title: Death/Victory
theficisalieRating: R
Pairing: Party Poison/Fun Ghoul
POV: Third. Frank's.
WARNINGS: Major character death.
Summary: Stranded in the middle of the Zones with a madman on their tail, the Killjoys come face to face with the most important decisions of their lives.
Word Count: 17,272.
Disclaimer: Mostly not true. Except for parts you might recognize, which I didn't create. So. There.
restlesslikemeA/N: That's right. I have been building up this world, piece by piece, so I could nerdily arrive at this moment. Actually, I built it for something else, but the moment I have literally been waiting since the beginning for will probably come in another hundred thousand words, knowing me.
also if it's any consolation, I cried too.
This chapter brought to you by:
restlesslikeme, for extensive fixing of everything. She is the BEST. I don't say it enough.
the Killjoy Twitter Lexicon"Na Na Na"and the musical stylings of Empires and Mumford & Sons, I listened to these songs on repeat for their tone.
Hello LoverLittle Lion Man Master Post Part 1: ColourPart 2: GracePart 3: AwakePart 4: StaticPart 5: (sub)consciousPart 6a: Overcast 1-3Part 7: BreachPart 6b: Overcast 4-7 Part 8: Death/Victory