So, there is a shortage of Killjoy pictures on this site, and I feel like there should be more. So I'm making a mass-post of lots of artwork that I've found thus far. I've also drawn some of these, but I'll let you guys guess which.
And when I say not safe for work, I mean some of these pictures are not safe for work. Or home, or school, or grandma's house. Really not anywhere but a dark corner.
WARNINGS: Pornographic imagery. Don't say I didn't warn you.
Disclaimer: All images belong to their respective owners, and have been used in compliance with each owner's respective terms of use. Also, if you want the best quality image for each picture, click on the image once, and then again on the gallery page. You can save it at it's full size if you do!
EDIT: There were some issues of ownership and permission with the images, so I had to remove a couple of the images I formerly had up.
These next two are by
Naoto-Otsubo :
This piece is by
021 on deviantart.
Here is where they start getting a little racy.
All of the following by this artist are unknown, BUT she posted anonymously online, and made it plain that she was fine with others reposting her images as long as they were not crediting her work as their own. She noted that she does have a deviantart, but does not want to be credited through that profile because of the nature of these images.
The artist is as listed below, but as far as I know, he or she posted this also on an anonymous image board for the purpose of other's use.
Artist GET! This guy right here,
Alek Inexelsis! A very talented and informative person! :D Thank you for finding this!
And these last three were done by me at seperate times, also for the Killjoy boards online.
And that's what I've got, cats and kittens. Have some fun, I hope you enjoy!
Love you, motorbabies!