Title: Turn Up the Fakes and Lies
iron_fist123 and
vinvy Pairing: Frank/Gerard
Rating: R (for language)
Word Count: 3792
Summary: "I resent that. I say a lot of important shit." "Like what?" "Like, what I said back at D's not-so-safe house. About family."
Warnings: Profanity, Adult Themes, Show Pony Being Devious, etc
Disclaimer: Not FDA approved. The Surgeon General will tell you that none of this ever happened. Believe him.
Author's note: TWO CHAPTERS FOR THE PRICE OF ONE. Some of you have already read scene 3, but here it is. Sorry it took so long, Real Life got in the way.
(Previous chapters)
Act 3
(Scene 3) Act 4
(Scene 1)