Title: Shut Up and Let Me See Your Jizz Hands
gala_applesPairing(s): Charlie Weasley/Bill Weasley/Seamus Finnegan/Dean Thomas & Victoire & Lee being Party Poison/Kobra Kid/Jet Star/Fun Ghoul.
Word Count: 2,000
Rating: NC-17
Summary: Wizards as Killjoys crossover GSF.
Warnings: Group sex including incest (see pairing). MCR references. Implied violence.
Disclaimers: The characters and settings belong to both JKR and MCR simultaneously. Lee's words are the property of My Chemical Romance and can be found in the songs, "
Na na na." and "Look Alive Sunshine."
A/N: A thousand thanks to
daiseechain for the brilliant beta job! This was originally written for the
charlieficathon. Thanks to
luvscharlie for being a truly brilliant (and patient and understanding) mod.
Shut Up and Let Me See Your Jizz Hands on my journal.