why do other people use the library? and can I make them stop?

Aug 03, 2010 17:29

sometimes I wish that I was the only person who used the library in Santa Fe. If no one else went there, then I would not be stuck in my current situation. I had thought that, by working my way through two book series at once, if one were checked out, there would be a different sequel for me to get on with. NOT SO TRUE.

I am stuck. I am mired in sadness and hemmed in by woe. Not only is the library's only copy of Snakehead (the next book in the Alex Rider series) checked out and not due back until the end of August (more on why this is super inconvenient later), but their only copy of City of Glass (the next book in The Mortal Instruments series) is also checked out, and I am second in line with a hold on it.

Spending actual money on these books is not as easy a solution as it might seem. City of Glass is crazy expensive, and only available in hardcover, at least for the next week. Despite the fact that the Alex Rider series is awesome (they're about a teen British superspy who kicks arse across England, the Caribbean, mainland Europe, and IN SPACE), there are apparently insufficiently popular for Borders to even bother stocking the later books in the series. This makes me want to advertise them extensively, or something, because I feel bad for them for not getting very much attention.

Also, all five independent bookstores (and one thrift shop) that I visited also lacked the novels I was looking for. I'm going to have to wait for these books, I guess. City of Glass will hopefully be cheaper in paperback, but I'll have to order Snakehead online. And I can't just relax and wait for the books to be returned to the library, because I'm leaving town in less than a month for college (ohgodohgodohgod), and I'm scared that the local public library will fail me there, too. The college town not having the books I love available is actually in my top ten list of things that frighten me about college. I'm not sure if that says good or bad things about me and my anxieties.

Also, HAPPY BIRTHDAY to magelight5!

alex rider, college, books

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