thoughts on finishing books

Feb 22, 2010 15:54

When I finished reading the seventh Harry Potter book, I went for a long walk down our road, and back again. Having just finished reading Lolita for the first time, and in the same contemplative and slightly depressed mood I am always in after finishing a book I've enjoyed, I wish I could go for a walk. Regrettably, there is about a foot of snow outside preventing me from doing so.

It's been a weird day. It started with a dentist appointment, at which I was told that despite taking excellent care of my teeth and having perfect hygiene, my teeth are out of proportion with my jaw and I have to get gum grafts, of all things. That was incredibly lame, and a bit upsetting, because no one likes having to get their mouth poked with sharp implements for a hour and then be told that they have to get surgery. On the other hand, I only had one class today (Spanish), and then we (the Senior class) got to attend a lecture by the Yes Men, who were really interesting, and also very funny. And then, because it was snowing like mad, we got sent home early, so I have the rest of the day to myself. I then spent my first half-hour of freedom finishing Lolita, which brings me up to right now.

Lolita was absolutely fantastic. I decided I wanted to read it about a week ago, and it took me a day to find our copy (it was in the basement). It was the first book in nearly a year that I fell absolutely in love with. Generally I'm a really restless person- I can't sit still for more than half an hour without getting up and wandering around the house for a bit, but on Saturday I just sat and read Lolita, without stirring from my chair, for four hours. Nabokov's writing is (I want to say transcendent), and I really can't describe it properly.

I think I'll use it for my independent reading project for English, but I'm not looking forward to summarizing it, and all that. On the other hand, it will also give me the opportunity to read an excerpt aloud in English class, so that I can share some small part of it with everyone else.

I'm partway through Ender's Game at the moment (ditched it for Lolita without a moment's hesitation), and I feel like I should get back to reading it, because it too is a fantastic book, even if the author is apparently an imbecile when it comes to real life. Also at some point I need to study for the history and calculus tests I have tomorrow.

amazingness, books

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