staycation all I ever wanted

Mar 05, 2014 21:51

So uh... I haven't updated for over a month.

Well. I turned 28. And we took a 2 week "staycation" thanks to the Inspiration Pass, which is a public library program here where you get free admissions to a lot of local attractions. I was on a wait list for a LONG time (like, 18 months) but I finally got it.

Welp just had to take a break to be depressed because I boiled dry my beloved kettle and probably wrecked it. This is the problem with opening the whistle valve so you don't wake up your sleeping children. You forget the thing is on.


So. Let's rate stuff? Sure.
So these ratings are specifically for "going along with a three year old". Some of these would be rated much higher for just an adult.

Science World: 5/5 Insanely fun, spent like five hours here without getting bored, easily could have stayed longer. Probably going to spring for the membership when we have a little discretionary money. To go once is really expensive, glad we could go for free.

Aquarium: 5/5 Very fun, especially because it was snowing when we went, made the outdoor exhibits interesting. Awkward to get to Stanley Park for us so we probably won't get a membership though. Again, going once is expensive.

Bloedel Conservatory: 3/5 Not worth the money because you'll stay an hour tops. But for free it's pretty nice.

MOA (Museum of Anthropology): 1/5 This is a great museum without a toddler. With a toddler it is VERY frustrating. Pippa did well all things considered but it was so hard for her to hold back from touching all the exhibits that were just THERE, with no barrier, and so tempting to touch. Also, UBC campus frustrates my poor navigation skills.

Beaty Biodiversity Museum: 2/5 Surprisingly this place had some things geared towards kids, more than MOA did. It was dead on a weekday morning and all the staff were eager to help. Also, most of the stuff that can't be touched was behind glass. However, it's really a "stand and read the text" kind of place. Also I think some of the dead animals and specimens intimidated Pippa. I think maybe a six year old would be into it. Wouldn't spend the money to go in with a toddler.

Maplewood Farm 5/5 Friendly staff, friendly chickens, friendly cows. Ducks surprisingly wary and unfriendly. I have met friendlier ducks at public parks.

Space Centre: 1/5 The planetarium literally terrified Pippa into an accident (couldn't get out in time). If you have a kid that is not bothered by the dark it might be ok, but all the other exhibits are geared towards 7+ years old. and are kind of lame. Even the photo op astronaut is too tall to get used by toddlers without help. Surprised by this one.

MOV (Museum of Vancouver) 4/5 Really surprised by this one too, but pleasantly this time. It's the same building as the Space Centre so when that was a wash we tried it. Pretty much every gallery had something that the little kids were interested in. Building materials, dress up clothes, chalkboard painted walls, old-fashioned toys to try. And lots for adults to be interested in. *thumbs up*

Sun Yat Sen Garden 1/5. It's TINY. I was like, that's it? Of course I have possibly too high standards for Chinese gardens. Nothing for kids under 5 except a calligraphy practice paint with water which Pippa enjoyed.

Police Museum 1/5. Stuff for little kids is basically a big wooden puzzle that Pippa didn't care about and that's it. Dress up clothes way too big. Some interesting, if macabre, exhibits. I feel no desire to go back, but Gordon wouldn't mind doing so.

Hillcrest Aquatic Centre 5/5 AWWW YEAH HILLCREST NOW THE FUN JUST GOT REAL Y'ALL. Ahem. Best pool? Best. Mary-Alice so cute splashing in the "beach" shallow area. Wish I could have taken pictures. We stayed three hours.

Sunset Rink: 4/5 Neither Gordon nor I had been ice skating in like a decade, plus this was Pippa's first time on skates, so I don't know if "fun" is the right way to describe the experience. We spent about 45 minutes actually skating and that was about the maximum I could do it and enjoy myself (although Pippa cried when skating was over because she wanted to skate more). But it was enjoyable in a different, fulfilling kind of way. I felt like I did something good when we were done. I never fell down. Pippa fell down quite a bit but didn't get hurt and always got back up again. Plus I had lasagna in the crock pot waiting at home.

Vancouver Maritime Museum: 3/5 I'm rating this slightly lower than the MOV because personally I was less interested in all the maritime stuff, but obviously that's a personal taste issue. It was about the same as the MOV in terms of having things to touch and play with: ship's wheel to turn, pirate flag to hoist, puppets to play with, bells to ring, and an underwater robot that you could push buttons to navigate. Pippa is pretty much all over anything that involves pushing buttons so the robot was a big hit with her. They have an actual boat in the museum, St. Roch, which is a pretty famous one.

This doesn't feel like a whole entry but I better press post or another month will go by without me doing anything.

vancouver: one who vancouves, vacation all i ever wanted

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