annual Christmas list

Nov 19, 2013 20:55

This Christmas list is intended as a guide for people who already intend to purchase me or the girls a gift and want an idea of what to get, not a demand for presents from all and sundry. Most of the people who buy me/them gifts do read this blog so this is just here if those people want to look at it. You don't have to get something on this guide, but if you want ideas here it is, in case you are like me, and like to know what people want, but feel awkward about asking directly.

If I say X or Y isn't needed, and you decide to get it anyway (or if you discover this list after you've already bought X or Y) please believe it will be accepted with gratitude.


In previous years my go-to request has been a scarf, but actually now a lot of people have given me cool scarves and I don't need anymore!

Hats dressy enough to wear in church (ie not toques), but I have an enormous head, so bear that in mind. "One size" dressy hats are usually not big enough.

Socks, dressy or casual or novelty.

Umbrellas, preferably cheerful in design (ie not plain black).

A dutch oven to make no knead bread in.

A mandolin (vegetable slicer).

Small cast iron skillet (10" or 12").

Teething necklaces and bracelets (these are bracelets and necklaces made with chunky silicon beads that babies can nom on with abandon).


Pippa does not really need more stuffed animals (although of course they will be accepted gratefully). We also have enough wooden blocks and duplo (chunky lego).

Go for size 4 in tops, 3T in bottoms, or 4 if it's a set. She could use some more nightgowns. (I prefer nightgowns to pajamas right now because it makes it easier to take her to the bathroom.)

Slippers or slipper socks, in size 4 or 5 years (she has enormous feet).

Size 8 or 9 girly casual or dress shoes.

Wooden puzzles.

Books aimed at two and three year olds. Charlie and Lola, Little Pip, and Pip the Penguin series are favorites.

Cars, trucks, or wheeled animals.

Sturdy pretending material--dress up, toy food, etc. Preferably cloth.


Mary-Alice really doesn't need any clothes right now, as she has all of Pippa's hand-me-downs. If you want to give something wearable consider giving a cloth diaper (see below).

Board books for babies (as Pippa destroyed many of hers)

Teethers, especially the kind that chill or vibrate (Pippa destroyed these as well). She does already have a Sophie le Girafe.

Cloth diapers, specifically the "all in one" or "pocket" style. Example brands: bumGenius, Applecheeks, Kawaii Baby, FuzziBunz, Grovia. These brands are just examples so you can Google them and see the kind of diaper I'm talking about if you're not familiar with modern cloth diaper varities. We don't use prefolds and covers.

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