changing, changing

Jul 13, 2013 22:23

I'm writing an LJ entry about living life with no car, based on a discussion that happened on Facebook a little while ago. It's almost completed, I just have to write up a few of the drawbacks of not having a car. The basics of the post is, that compared to if we had a car and lived where we do now, we are saving $5k a year or more, and even if we moved out to the suburbs to lower our rent, it would still be costing us at least $3k more a year, and I would be much more isolated, since there's just no way we could ever afford TWO cars. Although even Vancouver's suburbs have better transit than many cities in the US and Canada.

For us, the blessing is that neither of us has ever had a car, so we don't have a car mindset; that's the other part of my post. It amazes me how I'll get to chatting with other parents at a park and find out that they live closer to said park than I do, yet they drove and I walked. Even people who walk seem to find it shocking just HOW far I will walk. "But doesn't it take you like twenty minutes to get here?" Well, yes, but I like it better than the park that's only five minutes walk. Besides, what's wrong with forty minutes of walking on a nice day?

So I guess I save money on a gym too.

Anyway it's going to take me a bit of time to finish that.


Baby Bean has started going back and forth between being engaged and floating, which is apparently common for second babies. It's really interesting to see how dramatically the shape of my belly changes. When she's engaged, her bottom is about belly button level. When she's floating, it's up by my ribs. Convex vs. concave.

As of today, I am full term. Almost certainly, less than four weeks remain.

My hunch about the time of birth depends on whether the universe is operating on "maximum screwing me over" or "maximum niceness" motivation. If it's the former, I'll go into labor before the evening of the 22nd, which is when I'm supposed to "meet the team" (aka the rest of the midwifery group), and the on-call people will be all people I've never met before. Actually for truly maximum screwage, it would have to be before this Wednesday, which is when I'm supposed to meet my doula. This would be the worst because my mom isn't here yet and we are really not prepared.

If the latter, it'll be on the 31st, which will give my mom a day or so to get settled and be ready to take care of Pip, and we'll have everything ready otherwise, and can maximize my mom's time with baby.

I haven't gotten Pip into the new room yet, but we've started out by separating our bed from her bed, to see how she does in terms of falling out of bed during the night and also just with that slight psychological boundary. So far it's been like four days and she hasn't fallen out of bed at all, so that's good.

joye: domestic entrepreneur, vancouver: one who vancouves, the bean formerly known as mr

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