ring ring ring

Jul 07, 2013 23:51

Written Saturday: Pippa is such a funny eater. She generally rejects a meal outright first, requesting something else (usually fruit or cereal). After about five minutes, she'll start eating one part of the meal. Sometimes she only eats one part, but then other nights, like tonight, she's shoveling down the quinoa and butter chicken with both hands, when ten minutes earlier she was refusing to even try a bite.

The best thing I've found is just to say "Well, this is what's being served," and then not really even pay attention.

I am 36 weeks pregnant today and I have not even started cooking for the freezer yet. Honestly, I feel like I am having enough trouble planning out regular meals. I make enough for leftovers, but then I serve them as a lunch or pull them out when I can't face cooking for some other reason. It doesn't help that it's summer time and most of the make in bulk standards I have involve turning on the oven or having the stove going for a long time--not what I want to do.

I do want to put in a good supply of frozen fruit and vegetables. Frozen produce is wonderful. I love it.



I had a sudden burst of nesting fever when Pippa was napping, and did a good bit of work in the spare room. Mostly organizing Christmas and bathroom stuff (the bathroom stuff is when we took a lot of stuff out of the bathroom in order to childproof it and then... just... never opened those boxes again to put the stuff back? oops. Some of it was still good, band-aids and stuff like that, but a lot of it was expired and got tossed). In addition to expired medication and questionable lotion, also got rid of a lot of expired coupons and flyers, dusty wrapping tissue paper that is pointless to keep around, etc. I found one coupon booklet that expired in 2008. We weren't even engaged then! That's pretty amazing.

So that cleaned out a couple of stacking IKEA storage boxes, which I will now be able to use as stuffed animal storage boxes out in the living room, which is great.

The nesting fever has abated now, possibly because I'm confronted with having to do dishes that I don't want to do at all.

I was supposed to go to a "meet the team" night at my midwifery clinic back in June. But due to administrative errors on their end, it was canceled, and the next one isn't until July 22nd, which for me will be 38w2d. I have a really funny feeling that I'm going to go into labor just before then and once again that basically everyone at my birth will be a person I've never met before, haha. That's more or less what happened last time--the main midwife I had basically seen once only long enough to shake hands, and the back-up who came during pushing (at homebirths in BC, they bring in a second midwife for the actual birth and immediate post-partum, so that if both mother and baby need attention, one can take care of each) I had never even seen.

I've either had an appointment with, or talked on the phone with, the majority of the practitioners in the clinic, and there isn't anybody I wouldn't want to have, based on that. And the midwives I had last time were awesome. So I'm optimistic there.


One final thought: there is really no good way to express "I didn't know you were pregnant" (or even just "I didn't think you were that far along") to a woman who is in her third trimester. Just... don't verbalize that thought, because here is the hole, and here is you, in the hole, digging deeper and deeper. I've never heard it come across as anything other than "Wow, I just thought you were fat!"

It really depends on the outfit I'm wearing, how pregnant I look. I'm tall (5'10/177cm), and for some reason in pregnancy my body uses my booty as a holding tank, so suddenly I have what I believe the technical term would call a "badonkadonk". When I'm wearing a dress, or anything else that doesn't tuck in under the waist in front (like muumuu style tunics), I look like a bell. More to the point, I don't get people spontaneously offering me their seat on the bus etc when I'm in those kinds of outfits, whereas with more flattering outfits I do.

I thought I'd be ok with the dress I was wearing today because it was empire waist with a ribbon, but when I looked in the mirror I was all "Oh no, I'm a bell :C" and there was no time to change. So the (well-meaning!) comment another mom made, upon being surprised that I'm less than a month from my due date, that she "carried all her babies internally too", while meant as a commiseration, just made me resolve to shove all my dresses into the back of my closet until post-partum.

the bean formerly known as mr

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