well, that was too good to last

Mar 13, 2013 00:28

Pippa did really well with the time change. In retrospect, "toddler does really well with time change" should be filed in the "it's quiet... TOO quiet" category of ominous signs.

I moved her bedtime up 30 minutes on Friday night and another 30 minutes on Saturday so that she was going to bed at the new 8pm already for Sunday. She woke up at 8am, went down for a nap at the proper time, and went to bed just after 8pm again. Awesome.

Yesterday she woke up normally but didn't want to nap at all, despite being exhausted. Got her down eventually, and had to soothe her back down again after less than an hour. Then she didn't fall asleep until 9:30 that night.

Naptime was easy today but bedtime was still more difficult than usual. She didn't fall asleep until 9pm.

I think maybe I need to go back to just saying goodnight and leaving once she's tucked in and semi-quiet, with periodic check-ins.


I accidentally made one of the sample meals in one of my toddler books yesterday, haha. Peanut butter and jelly on whole wheat with carrot sticks (mine were steamed) and milk. Of course in the book it was a lunch. But it did reassure me that I am acquitting myself semi-well with regards to balanced diet for The Pipster (and myself).

Tonight I made a cauliflower chickpea carrot coconut curry (Cx5!) from the cookbook Quick-Fix Vegan. I thought it turned out really well even though I underplayed the spice a lot on behalf of the kids (I only used one teaspoon green curry paste, instead of the 2T called for in the recipe). The kids ate a few bites, then held up their plates and both said "Fruit! Fruit!" I was like uhhhh this is not a diner, this is not Burger King, you do not have it your way here Mr and Miss Toddler. They kept holding out the plates, so I took the plates, put them in visual range, and let them both sit for a few minutes while I continued eating. Then they asked for the plates back and I gave them to them, and they ate. (Victory!!) They even both had seconds/thirds, though not of the same thing (LB wanted more rice, Pip wanted more carrots and peas; both left most of the cauliflower on their plate).

They did get some fruit afterwards. :)

I feel like I am in leftover limbo lately. I keep making things to use up leftovers which generate their own leftovers. So the fridge never seems to get any less full. And I'm constantly running out of containers. I ate seconds I really didn't want tonight (I was pretty full) because it was what wouldn't fit in the last clean container. Plus in the next few days I've got to use up a box of tofu, and either use or freeze some ground pork. I am not up to making Mapo Doufu so I think I'm just going to freeze the pork and save it for making meatloaf at some point in the future.

I can't decide what I want to do with the tofu, so if anyone has any recs, I'm open to them.

the pipster, food glorious food

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