the feminine mystique via contusion

Feb 17, 2013 23:15

I'm in a bit of a funk.

Friday night, The Pipster was Skyping with my mother while I was making dinner. It's too complicated to explain how I set up the iPad but I set it up to show as much of the room as I can, because she doesn't sit still when she's talking to her grandparents, but roams around. She sometimes stands on the (very large) footstool, which I probably shouldn't tolerate, but do. It's relatively low to the ground, soft but not too soft, and very steady. The important point here is, where we have the footstool, if she's standing on it, she can be seen by the iPad camera, but if she sits down, she vanishes below the "horizon".

So, I'm in the next room, in auditory but not direct visual range, cooking. Suddenly I hear Pippa start crying and my mom yell "she fell!" Of course I drop everything and run out.

And slip and fall on... something. I'm not even sure what, because there weren't that many toys around, the room being relatively clean. Best candidate is a paperback book.

AND PIPPA HADN'T EVEN FALLEN. Or, if she did "fall", she didn't fall off the footrest. Possibly she lost her balance and saved herself enough to "fall" to a sitting position (rather than onto the floor) but was scared nonetheless, thus the tears.

Meanwhile, there's me, on the ground, in severe pain. It was the classic "banana peel" kind of fall trajectory, and I fell weirdly, entirely on my right side. In the moment, it felt like I got "air time" and my lower and upper body hit the ground at the same time; don't know how true that was to life.

I got up, shook it off, comforted Pippa (suppressing bitterness), and got back to cooking.

Didn't feel any effects during the day Saturday, and had completely forgotten about it, to the point that I didn't even mention it to The Husband.

Saturday night as I go to bed, my entire right side of my body started to hurt, and it got worse overnight. In the morning it was so bad, I actually got Gordon to take my temperature because I thought with this level of body ache/fatigue I might have flu. I had normal temperature, so the fatigue was just because I couldn't sleep. It's especially bad in my knee, elbow, and upper arm.

I took some Tylenol today and it didn't help much. It's a constant low-level ache. Because it's constant I can forget about it sometimes but then I move a certain way or whatever and it's terrible. :(

I'm going to call my doctor in the morning if I'm still feeling so bad. My mom thinks I might have gotten a bone bruise. There does seem to be some swelling when I compare right to left but I can't be sure.

So I don't know what portion of this funk is just the pain. But I feel like I worked sooooo hard yesterday so that on Sunday I could relax. Not only did I not get to relax, but I look around, and I feel like the place is dirtier than it was on Saturday when I went into cleaning frenzy. How did that even happen? How do so many dishes get dirty so quickly? How do two toddlers DO THAT to a living room?

(It didn't help that LB had a diaper blow-out in the playpen this morning. Terrible and disgusting.)

Anyway I'm just in one of those states where it seems like housework is pointless and therefore housewifing is pointless and therefore I am pointless. :(

joye: domestic entrepreneur, next stop dutch elm disease

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