St Christopher was either slacking or working overtime

Nov 28, 2012 09:47

I'm on the flight back to Vancouver and have little better to do so I will write up the madness that has been this trip.
1. Arrived at YVR with plenty of time before our flight. Suddenly realized we forgot vitally important money at home. The husband nearly misses flight retrieving.
2. Carry on bag disappears, having been gate checked with no tag. Contains most of our clothing but nothing of irreplaceable value.
3. Laundry bag with majority of remainder of clothes left at thanksgiving site in NYC. We borrow clothes, wash daily, and still end up having to wear some dirty clothes to go home.
4. Carry on bag still completely missing as of right now. Could be on Mars for all Air Canada knows.
5. Flight to Toronto unexpectedly delayed 1.5 hrs.
6. With a connection of only 30 min, it is impossible for our checked bag to get on the plane, and due to customs, we have it back, so we can't leave it to follow us. I have to watch Little Boy in the morning so I need to get there. We decide to try to fly me and Pip carry on only while The Husband sleeps at a hotel in Toronto.
7. With only 20 min to rush through security an get to my gate, I am panicked. I sail through security but leave my diaper bag/purse at security.
8. I discover I am sans diaper bag only after the plane has locked its doors.
9. Fortunately and inexplicably Gordon put the house keys in the car seat, and there is just enough money in the travel documents folder to cover a cab home (we are arriving after transit stops). And I have my cell phone, which I am writing this on. But I have NO diapers, wipes, etc, an we are still over two hours from home.
10. The small mercy is that Pip fell asleep in her car seat just before takeoff and hasn't woken yet. I am trepidatious though.
11. Also I am concerned that the heat in the house is off and it's going to be cold as the frozen bit of hell.
12. Also Little Boy will be arriving at 4:30 am, aka less than three hours after I get home.
14. And I have Carly Rae Jepsen music in my head.
15. :(
16. Jerk behind me turns on light at midnight west coast time (aka one hour to go) which shines on Pippa's face. I ask nicely if he will turn it off. No response. Torn between wishing Pip stays asleep and wishing she wakes up, screams, and vomits onto his stupid book.


Pip did indeed wake up and begin screaming, and Mr Charming STILL didn't turn out the light. Managed to get her asleep with her head on my shoulder to block the light.

I arrived home about 2am, got a nap, let LB in at 4:30am, went back to sleep with Pip interruptions, she woke me up at 8:15am. Surprisingly human feeling for all that. Still feel like another shoe is going to drop somewhere. The Husband is due to land in about an hour.

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