aw yeah all dese presents fo me

Nov 15, 2012 20:51

I read a comment somewhere where people were talking about a family tradition for Christmas gifts wherein each child receives three gifts from the parents (and only three gifts, for most who do this). Each gift represents the respective traditional triad of gifts of the Magi: gold, frankincense, and myrrh. People have different explanations for how each gift maps to the Magi gift but in general it comes down to a fun, desired, big-ticket gift; a spiritual, uplifting gift; and a practical, self-care gift.

I like the idea and think it's a good way to include festivity and gift-giving without giving the material side free rein to take over.

Here's my ideas for Pippa.

1. Gold gift: fun, memorable, exciting. I am pretty much set on getting Pippa a rocking horse (or that Ikea rocking moose). The sturdy traditional all-wooden kind, in any case, not the plush kind or the kind that is on springs. We don't have a lot of space and what I like about a toddler rocking horse is that it doesn't take up much space, but it provides an outlet for physical energy. She is just starting to be into riding toys, so I really think she would like it.

2. Frankincense: spiritual. I really would like to get Pippa a picture missal but I can't find anything that fits my requirements. Either the book is ugly, or it's cheaply printed in softcover, or it's too wordy for a non-reader.

I know I could make my own. I've Googled DIY board books and the project is within my skill level, assuming that I use photographs or art not created by me. The issue is finding the time and the will to do it--especially to get the supplies--and to deal with the inevitable frustrations of crafting. Something always goes wrong crafting, even if the final product is terrific. You glue pages together or whatever. If I'm depending on the project to be a gift with a deadline, that might be too much stress.

Another thought is to get a toy nativity set. I've heard raves about the Fisher Price Little People Nativity Set, but it seems hard to get in Canada and might be the kind of thing that is better picked up after Christmas on sale and saved for next year.

I could also make a nativity set by painting peg dolls. I'm actually much less intimidated by this kind of project. I just made a little pen sketch on the back of a library receipt of three totally workable preliminaries: St. Joseph (with staff and lily), Mary (with little immaculate heart) and a Magi (with myrrh bottle). Peg dolls tend to look cutest when they're very minimalist, so they're well-within my skill level.

Plus, unlike a board book which pretty much has to be assembled all in one go because of glue and air drying, I could pencil sketch a peg doll during one nap, then paint one at bedtime, then shellac during another nap, etc. And I think I could commit to getting the key Joseph-Mary-Jesus triad done by Christmas--one a week.

I'll leave that aside until I come back from the US.

3. Myrrh -- physical care. Perhaps stretching this a bit, I would like to get Pippa some bath books. She had a bath book but mold started growing in the binding and I couldn't clean it out so I had to chuck it. It's really hard in Vancouver to stop mold from growing on stuff like that in the bathroom, so if I get another bath book I'm going to have to make certain to wipe it dry after every use. Just propping it open on the bathtub rim apparently wasn't enough.

Pip's too young really to be happy about opening up anything like clothes, toiletries, etc. In my memory as a child, opening up something that I really could not get excited about, like plain socks, always seemed a bit of cheat. It's kind of like when you buy something at the supermarket and discover when you get home that there's a little cardboard insert so that there's less food than you anticipated. It's just artificially inflating the number of presents under the tree and I don't think kids are ever fooled by it, lol.


I already know what I am going to do as a mini-treat for St. Nicholas Day. In addition to putting some small bit of candy--I was thinking a mini-Cadbury cream egg--in her shoes, I want to upgrade her favorite iPad app, Nighty Night!, to contain the additional six animals, for $2. I was wavering about buying it, but then they updated the app to include a "snow" mode which is super cute, and the app itself was free when we downloaded it (apparently it's now $2.99) so I feel like supporting them, for all the enjoyment Pip has gotten out of it.


I wrote most of this post yesterday. I am pretty cranky right now because Pip is sick. She's been mostly sleeping or resting, but she only really does either happily if I'm near. This means I didn't get anything done today. I didn't even get to eat lunch. Very all-consuming. She had a fever and couldn't breathe through her nose and was just all-around uncomfortable, poor little duck.

I just happened to glance at a supermarket flyer for salted toffee cheesecake lollipops. Man, if I had a box of those here, I would eat the entire thing.

I think I am still hungry. I ate a normal amount at dinner, but maybe since I didn't eat lunch my body is all out of whack.

the pipster, one holy apostolic, it's the most wonderful time of the year

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