Aug 22, 2012 23:24
I am starting to do in-home daycare. I really really really want to write more about it but I haven't actually discussed social media with the parent yet (I keep forgetting to do so when we are talking). So I want to err on the side of caution regarding what I say on here/Facebook until I do. But I am excited. Next week I actually start full-time. Today was the first day I watched the child without the parent. Everyone involved could use prayers, but I am cautiously optimistic.
While I was watching the child, the parent and my husband went to IKEA to get various supplies. I'm a bit jealous because I love IKEA. It's a guilty pleasure. I know it is cheap and all of that. Gordon once called IKEA furniture "Kraft singles for termites." It's processed furniture. But. I still love IKEA. Especially eating there. Breakfast for a buck! Swedish fish! Candied whiskey! Anything you could eeeeeeever want!
Part of my feeling is that unfortunately the quality of what you get at other places often isn't any better than at IKEA, and at least at IKEA the price is cheap and it looks funky.
I even just like looking at the catalogue. It makes me feel like I could be organized.
Apparently at my husband's work, people are gossiping that I am pregnant. Which is... just so weird to me. I was really surprised. I know it's definitely not that I look pregnant; I weigh, currently, 15 pounds less than I did when I got pregnant the last time. And, for the record, I am not currently pregnant to the best of my knowledge, but since we are TTC, I could be.
The double weird thing is that the person who told my husband, heard it from someone who is retired. What???
I just find it difficult to comprehend what kind of conversation would entail speculation on my reproductive status.
My only guess is that this is a sly dig at us being Catholic and not using artificial birth control. Anyone who doesn't use artificial birth control MUST have like a baby a year, right?
social awkwardity,
wtf no seriously wtf