Jul 23, 2012 23:34
Teething does end, right? She will eventually get all her molars? This seems like the worst teething yet. She's actually drooling, and she's making so many withdrawals from her crank account that she's totally overdrawn on the patience reserves of the Bank of Mama. So I don't have the energy to continue that post from yesterday. Maybe tomorrow.
I had a nice minor score on Freecycle today. A July bus pass, which for the week worth of July that is left is worth approximately $20. I'll probably get about $15 worth of use out of it.
Pip is starting to outgrow her 18 mo sized clothing. She started to wear 18 mo clothing in November of last year so this is by far the longest she's been in any one size. Today I went through and inventoried all my 24 mo/2T clothing and I have more than I thought. I'm pretty much set for everything except pajamas. What is it about pajamas? That's always been the thing that I have to end up buying.
She could also use a skirt or two. She has four pairs of pants, one pair of leggings and four pairs of tights. I have three knit dresses that can go with the tights/leggings, but some skirts would be nice.
She's getting so biiiiiiig. It's amazing. Today she said "Ball?" and signed WHERE BALL, so we would help her look for it. That's her first time using WHERE. It was also very weird, today The Husband was working a shift he doesn't normally work. Normally he'd be home at 3, but today he worked until 5. She hadn't asked about him all day but about ten minutes before he got home she stationed herself by the window and was saying and signing "daddy" and looking for him. I don't know if it's that she sensed he was coming home, or if it was that she felt like he should have been home by then and was concerned.
Today I wore a sweatshirt, gave Pip a quilt for her nap, and briefly considered turning the heat on. Is this madness? No, this. is. Raincouver.
the pipster,
vancouver: one who vancouves