Seven Quick Takes?

Jan 20, 2012 00:34

1. In case you're just tuning into this channel, I'm in a contest and you should vote for me. Takes ten seconds and requires no registration or anything.

The gap between me and the person in first place has been as little as 2 votes; currently it's 7 votes. So this is really very close and every vote matters!

2. I tried to make arancini today but it didn't go so well. My main problem was that little bits would fall off the arancini and start to burn. Plus I couldn't seem to get the temperature right--my first try, I got a lovely crust but the middle was still cool, and second try, the middle was good but the crust was uneven and overcooked in some places.

I think if I were to try it in the future I'd consider doing them baked. I did like the idea of melty mozzarella filled risotto balls, but I need a better recipe.

3. Best/nerdiest/weirdest Catholic joke I heard today: "L'oreal has a hair dye called Feria. It makes your hair the same color it was on Sunday."

4. Here in Vancouver it has been unusually cold. We haven't gotten the same kind of snow/ice as Seattle and surroundings, but people around here just don't know how to take it. I'm starting to wimp out myself and don't even want to sit next to windows because the cold emanates from them.

5. We had a fire in the fireplace tonight after baby bedtime, and despite the fact that the smoke detector didn't go off at all while I made arancini (despite the smoke burning my eyes from that), it went off three times from the completely non-smoky fireplace. I hate our smoke detector.

6. I am trying to figure out how best to introduce toothbrushing into The Pipster's daily routine. Yes I know that I was supposed to start as soon as the first pearly white made its appearance, but leave that water on the other side of the bridge where it belongs.

She still nurses to sleep, and I am not interrupting that with tooth brushing. Maybe brush her teeth after dinner and before bathtime?

The other major issue is that she just wants to bite the toothbrush. Really she just wants to bite everything these days. "Don't bite the hand that feeds you" apparently is not taught in baby school.

7. For Christmas, my parents gave us a "mom + dad = me" three picture photo frame, with the slots each taking a 3"x3" photo. I had pictures of me and Pip that were the right size to get cut up and put in, but none of The Husband. So at first I just left the model's picture in there but The Husband wasn't overly keen on that, so I flipped it around, and now I guess it looks like a featureless white void fathered my baby.

And try going after a featureless white void for child support sometime.

Seven Quick Takes hosted by Conversion Diary.

seven quick takes, one holy apostolic

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