Petit Papa Noël, quand tu descendras du ciel...

Dec 07, 2011 19:36

It's the time of year where we reiterate our Christmas wishlists. Mine is back here, and edited to reflect some things we received or bought. Namely socks. The great sock shortage is over, due to Black Friday specials, wherein we both got lots of socks for cheap.

In LJ semi-tradition I will now make a Christmas wishlist, just for me. Four free, two low-cost, two maybe could-be possibles, and two dreams.

1. Creative works such as art, writing, or LJ icons, especially icons of Pip
2. Share a favorite recipe
3. Make a time to have a Skype or IM conversation with me
4. Prayers, holy hours, etc
5. A postcard or letter in the mail
6. An LJ custom userhead
7. 15" cast iron skillet dimethirwen is buying this for me!!!! :D
8. A food processor
9. Cherry red KitchenAid stand mixer
10. No more debt. And a pony.


Today was... I guess about what I expected. Canada Post well and truly lost my registered mail; they will "investigate" which will take "5-7 business days"; in the meantime, they can't refund my money, but they "probably will" once the investigation is complete, and I should send the mail again.

I paid the just under $390 hospital bill on my credit card. Fortunately the ~$1200 bill people aren't demanding the money yet, but I'm supposed to call them as soon as Canada Post gets it together.

Joyeuses fêtes, Postes Canada, et vous devriez mourir dans un incendie.

Edit: I feel like I should share something GOOD that happened today. We got a package in the mail from my cousin Maureen and her husband. They live in Hawaii. Inside the padded mailer was a beautifully wrapped gift marked to The Pipster.

"Is it something Hawaiian?" I wondered aloud as The Husband opened it.

It was a puffy pink coat! Haha. It's very cute. It has ~sparkles~. It's actually perfect and just what we needed, because the only warm winter coat we have is 18 mo and it's too big for Pip, so what we had been doing was doing super layers (like, short sleeve, long sleeve, sweater, fleece coat, blanket). This one is 12 mo and I think it will fit great, which will make things much easier.

But it's definitely not very Hawaiian. I wonder why a store in Honululu would sell it in the first place? I mean the record low for Honululu is higher than it got all day today here in Vancouver.

it's the most wonderful time of the year

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