it's not easy being Pip

Sep 01, 2011 21:42

The Pipster had a rough evening. Her gums are hurting again. She cried for about 30 minutes, calmed down when I gave her a bath (she loves bathtime), and then started up again when she got out of the bath, and cried for another 30 minutes, until finally she managed to calm down enough to try to nurse, and then she fell asleep (this was about 7pm). Then she woke up just before bedtime, pottied, got in her overnight diaper, in her pjs, and was ready to be swaddled.

The Husband was swaddling her in the bedroom and I was in the bathroom cleaning out the potty and washing my hands.

The Husband: Let's get you swaddled. Tonight we'll put you in the butterfly swaddling blanket. See the pretty butterflies?
Me (leaving the bathroom and walking to the bedroom): Follow the butterflies, follow the butterflies!
The Husband (suddenly thrusting an imaginary wand towards the doorway): RONNICUS EXPLODICUS!

Sooo apparently she is not amused by sudden loud references to Potter Puppet Pals. I felt bad because I couldn't help giggling while I was soothing her. Luckily she soothed pretty quickly and went to bed.

Reminds me of sometime last week, she totally gave me the sideeye after I did something silly. And I said "Hey! She just gave me the sideeye!" and The Husband said, mock sternly (with a grin) "Pip! Are you disrespecting your momma?" And there was a short pause and then Pippa said "Gak!"

It reminded me of that Monty Python bit ("Burma!" "Why'd you say Burma?" "I panicked.") because she really had that look on her face like "They're expecting me to say something, I must say something!" Hee.

I have been trying to capture a giggle on video but so far no luck. She can be giggling up a storm but the second the camera comes out, she stops.

Yesterday she came soooooo close to rolling over from front to back during tummy time. I probably jinxed it by running to get the camera. If I hadn't done that she would have made it.

She periodically rolls over from back to front but because when she does that, she's on her front, and she usually doesn't like being on her front, she doesn't do it often. She's starting not to hate tummy time so much though. It helps that she really engages with toys now.

the pipster, harry potter: it's better than crack

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