I'm generally the kind of book fan that movie makers hate and fear

Dec 10, 2010 19:22

Apropos of not much, the image in Echo Bazaar of the deviless has always reminded me of my personal mental image of Pansy Parkinson from the Harry Potter series.

Maybe that's why I'm progressing so far in the "Intimate of Devils" storyline... I can't help but like her, just like Pansy.

Speaking of HP, I haven't seen HP7-1 yet. I don't know. I don't feel much pressing need to see it. I wouldn't say no if someone wanted to see it with me, but I'm not going to seek it out.

I do want to see Voyage of the Dawn Treader, despite some trepidation about hearing about things they left out. They've completely ignored the important "east" theme in the book... anyone who's read the book knows about how they're sailing due east, and how in the latter part of the book the sun gets bigger and the light changes. Difficult to film, yes, but to leave it out entirely worries me, because of course Lewis meant a liturgical significance to the idea of "utter east" and God. Similar liturgical symbolism removed: Aslan never appears as a lamb with bread and fish, apparently. LAME. Also, there's an inserted quest for seven magical MacGuffins to defeat Dark Island, which is... worrisome.

Anyway I saw the first two movies in the theater and I definitely want them to make more so I'm definitely planning on going to see it.

echo bizarre, fandom and squeeage, harry potter: it's better than crack

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