English exams kill Jo.

May 25, 2010 12:56


Today wasmy 1st GCSE exam.....AGHHHHHHH ;;^;;
It was english lit.
The questions on Lord of the Flies were really difficult in my opinion.
I picked the "talk about the effect on the novel of the relationship between Jack and Ralph"
I had no idea what to write D: So i just wrote about jealousy and good and evil.
But omg it was torture!
However the poems were awesome, the question couldn't of been more simple "talk about how disturbed behaviour is shown in stealing by Duffy any poem by Armitage and 2 pre 1914"
How lovely is that question? I almost died of happiness.

Tommorrow is my chemistry C1, C2, C3 resit, i'm gonna die ;;^;;

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