Title - The Swan, Part the First
Rating - Oh, something like PG for swearing
Pairing - Remus/Sirius, EVENTUALLY I promise.There's slight mention of it here, and also mention of Remus/Tonks
Disclaimer - What disclaimer? I'm JK Rowling, seriously.
Summary - This is titled dhdrabble on my harddrive. Needless to say it got way out of hand and now this is my version of the Marauders and their frolic with death. This chapter can also be summarized with "yapyapyap" oh and pictures!
To begin with, there was nothing. He was conscious, but there was nothing to be conscious of. A dim and dreamlike feeling, but even dreams are made of something and this was nothing.
Next, there was the heavy feel of being completely burrowed between warm sheets and even warmer quilts. It’s nice, but wrong somehow. Remus tries to groggily place himself and remember what he was doing the night before. Vague memories of a million nights flooded him, but he couldn’t place them. He peered from his blanket pile, the room he was in is bright and warm and unlived in looking. It was slightly familiar looking and Remus was only puzzled until he spotted to cradle in the corner.
Of course.
It was the nursery he himself had helped paint yesterday, 18 years ago. It was where Harry slept and where Remus and Sirius had slept a countless number of times when they stayed at the Potters. Remus feels his stomach drop. It was that horrible dream again.
In the corner of his eye something moved in the door. A moment later a head of messy black hair appeared around the frame. “Moony! You’re up. Finally!” James came in, leaning against the wall. “How are you feeling? A little weird right?”
Remus can’t answer right away; all he can do is look at James. Bright, and young James. Not as he last remembered him. Then he had been drawn and worried and much much too adult for any of the other Marauder’s comfort. No, this James was the James he remembered on the Potters’ wedding night and after Harry’s birth. “James..” he manages to choke out, the blankets gripped tightly in his fists.
“Oh. Oh no. C’mon Remus, mate. No need for any of that. Look,” he looks solemn all of a sudden and comes to sit next to him on the bed. Remus is surprised how real this seems. There was nothing vague about the detail of every strand of hair on James’ head. It was oh, so much worse this way. James looked him right in the eye. “Look, this is going to be hard to take, I know. Though, I expect you’ll be a lot better about it than Sirius was…”
This was new. Remus was utterly confused by the scenario. “What’s going on?” he wondered aloud.
James huffed another sight “Look, Remus, look…Look, you see-“
“Spit it out, James Potter!!” came from another room in the house.
“Lily?” Remus quietly breathed. This was too much.
“Oi! I’m trying. This is bloody hard you know!” James had gotten up to yell out the door to her.
“Just get to it!”
“Damn woman…you remember what a loon she gets to be, eh?” he turned back to Remus with a snort.
Remus with panic in his voice demanded “James, what’s going on?”
‘Oh, right. Yeah, well, you’re dead. There, Lily!”
“Wh…” Remus felt his insides seize up.
“Yeah, I know.” James smiled in sympathy at the look of incredulity and panic on Remus’s face.
At that moment Lily comes in the door. “Hello Remus.” She comes over to kiss his stunned face. “Well, at least you haven’t begun to pitch a damned fit. You should have seen Sirius when he wound up here. Absolute berk, that one still.”
James laughed. “You should have seen him, Moony. Well, you know what a stupid brat he can act when something doesn’t go as he’d like it to.”
Both James and Lily were sitting on the bed with him now. It was strangely reminiscent of days after the full moon in the hospital wing, when Remus would be surrounded by the Marauders and later Lily every month. And then James’s words registered. “I’m dead?”
“Afraid so.”
“It sounds worse than it is.”
“I’m dead!” And everything came flooding into mind. Dolohov’s twisted and concentrated face before a shot of green light had burst towards him. He heard Tonks’s screams against the background of others’ and explosions. He was seized with panic again. Breathing heavily “Oh, Christ! Tonks. Teddy! Are they alright? Are they here too?”
“Woah, who now?”
“Ted Tonks…?” Lily ventured. But Remus didn’t seem to hear.
“My wife! My son! What happened to them?” he was dangerously on the verge of hyperventilating as he scrambled to get out of the bed when he felt James’s hands come down firmly on his shoulders. Remus was so confused and anxious he wanted to curl into a ball and die. Really die, and not have deal with pain from both his past and present at once.
“Remus,” James said solemnly. “Remus, look at me. We can’t tell you what happened. We don’t know if they’re here or not. If they’re dead. I can tell you, if they are you’ll find them sooner than later. That’s how it seems to work.” Remus could feel the tears forming in his eyes and James apparently saw them too because he hastened to add, “Be strong mate.” Same old James.
It was this recognition that sent him over the edge. These were his friends he was crying in front of, not they’re specters. It was too real not to be them. Lily’s hand really was holding his. “Lily… James…” Possibly so as not to have to watch his friend cry, James pulled Remus roughly into a hug. The angle was awkward but it didn’t matter.
“Geeze moony, you’d think you’d be a little happier to see us. All this crying, sheesh.” James chuckled awkwardly.
“Oh shut up James. You bawled when it happened to us. I don’t know anyone who didn’t. It’s quite hard to take all of this lying down.” Lily patted his hand comfortingly.
“This is crazy, I don’t believe it,” Remus muttered into James shoulder and then pulled away, staring down into his lap.
“I know. It’s totally surreal, right? But believe it.”
“The important thing is, Remus, that you don’t have to deal with it alone.”
When Remus looked up again James and Lily were slightly changed in appearance. Less adult all of a sudden. More like Remus remembered James in Seventh year. Lily looked even younger.
“Haha,” James laughed at the disturbed look on Remus’s face. “Yeah, you’re going to get used to that.”
“Get used to what?” Remus asked cautiously, hoping to anything that he wasn’t going to start his stay in the afterlife by going crazy.
“Well we just changed didn’t we, in age I mean, right?”
Remus breathed a sigh of relief. “Yeah..”
Lily giggled. “Yeah, it’s just one more bizarre aspect of this existence. It seems that a person will continuously shift before your eyes between all the ages you remember them as… I see my parents as only I remember them, but my mother says my father often looks 20 years old to her. In a way it’s kind of neat, but it’s disconcerting when I’m trying to have sex with James and he’s suddenly a snot-nosed 12 year old.”
“Lily!” a cry of mortification came from James while a laugh was shared between the other two.
Lily stood up, “Well boys, lets say we eat something? Remus you must be hungry, at least a little.”
On wobbly legs, Remus rose and stretch, cracking his back. “You mean you get hungry in the after life?” He considered this. “That’s a gyp.”
“I know!” James exclaimed throwing his hands in the air. “It’s almost exactly like living, with all these little creepy twists thrown in. I almost thought it was at first. Living. But then time didn’t move forward really, so I guess it’s not.” There was a note of sadness in his voice.
They were on the staircase now. Everything was how Remus remembered it. “Your house…”
“Yep. Like I said almost exactly like living.” The one difference was a blaring one. James continued, the words spilling out of him on their own accord. “We woke up here and it was like waking up like we did everyday. We figured it out when, we looked outside and everything was beautiful and sunny. And then I ran in the nursery. And Harry wasn’t there. Just the cradle. I almost wanted to believe he had been taken. But I kind of knew. I mean I did know. I just did. I don’t know how. But I panicked still.
“Then my parents showed up. Weird as anything. But eventually you meet everyone you ever knew. I mean we have Sunday dinner with them every week! It’s insane, Moony! After all this time I still think in terms of living. I sit down and eat with them, and I think, it’s odd to be eating with dead people, but you realize, you’re dead too! It’s good to see all your loved ones but it hurts to have loved ones still living like it used to hurt to have them dead.”
James’s back was turned to him, but Remus could still recognize this James. This was James in the final moments of the Potters’ lives. Mature, anxious and not a little sad about the state of things. This was James after he had no room in his heart for the righteous anger they had all started the war with, when all anyone did was mourn and worry. Remus wondered, as they sat in the kitchen, if it was that they were doomed to mourn for eternity with nothing but remainders of the past and no way to move forward.
“I wonder what it will be like when Harry dies. There’s no way we’ll be the first he comes across. I doubt he remembers us when we were alive. He’s only seen pictures of us. And how will he look to us? We only ever saw him as a baby. The only way for me’n’Lil to know what’s happened since is through stories from others. It’s a bit depressing to think about.”
“More than a bit,” Remus said quietly, looking into James’s eyes. In them, he saw his own feeling mirrored exactly.
Lily said casually, “We have a few pictures and that cradle. It seems cruel to have to face that when you’ve lost the actual thing, but then again, it just serves as a reminder of what we died for. You can’t hold a grudge against the way things are, you would know Remus. In the end nothing we did was for ourselves, it was all for Harry. All of it, every waking moment. It’s worth it to know he’s not here, that’s he’s out there experiencing hardship but growing and getting older.” Remus felt in his robes for the picture he had been carrying around ever since Teddy’s birth. And there it was. With a smile he took it out and looked at his son. Lily too was smiling. “Well, give it here!” she said holding out her hand.
James leaned into her to have a peek as well. “Good one, mate! Sirius didn’t tell us you had a family though.” He looked to Remus.
“Where is Sirius?” Remus needed to know before he went on. Here were James and Lily, but what had Sirius been doing these last couple of years? How would he explain it all to him? While Sirius was in Azkaban, they had forgotten how to talk to eachother. A lot things went unsaid, and he had lost Sirius again before he had figured the trick out. So now, with eternity supposedly before them with a heap of new issues piled on their old ones, Remus would have to explain to Sirius sometime. Hopefully not right now. But he couldn’t deny that he ached to see him.
James smiled. “Oh he’s out getting food right now. He basically just lives here. He’s got a house, but he just can’t get enough of us.”
“I swear, I wonder why he couldn’t have stayed alive sometimes. He’s as annoying as always.”
“He’ll be back soon enough.”
“He seems a lot like you remembered him?” Remus thinks of how different Sirius Before and After had seemed to him.
“Well, no and yes.” James looked down at his hands. “I thought he’d gotten around to telling us everything. He told us all about Harry when he first came, then eventually about Azkaban and Peter, and then he told us about you. But not your family. I suppose because--”
Remus shook his head. “No. I didn’t have one when he was still alive.” Lily and James gazed expectantly. “I wasn’t even with Tonks until practically a year after he fell. Teddy was just, and I really mean, just born. Teddy, I hardly knew ye. Haha. Um. He’s not a werewolf, but he’s a metamorphmagus, like Tonks. So while that’ll no doubt cause trouble for anyone watching him, he won’t have to suffer. He’s named after her father, he died very recently as well.”
“Ted Tonks? The muggle-born Sirius’s cousin married?”
“The one.”
“Soooo…” James worked it out as Lily rolled her eyes. “Moony! We used to babysit that kid! And you went and had sex with her!”
Remus let his head fall in his hands. “I know,” he groaned.
“No! I mean, she wasn’t a baby when I had sex with her!”
“Well I would hope not!” Lily practically cackled.
“No, that came out wrong. Augh! Nymphadora Tonks is now a very mature, attractive woman, thank you.” A pause and then, “Well I hope she still is.”
“Remus, do you know what Teddy will do if.. she does show up here?”
“Not really. Andromeda? And of course Harry is his godfather, but he’s got too much else to worry about, and he’s too young yet for a child.”
James beamed “Harry’s the godfather?” Both he and Lily looked proud beyond words.
“Of course. And I’ve good faith he won’t be trying to teach him to light things on fire like a certain someone.”
“Yeah we hear he’s an alright kid.” James said with false modesty.
“Better than we were. Barely though.
“Well it’s not exactly the highest praise to be deemed better-behaved than Sirius,” lily quipped.
“This is nice, it’s good to know Marauder ties are being handed down through the generations. And surprising, considering.” James wiggled his eyebrows. And then with a more serious tone, “So Sirius doesn’t know you’d have gotten with his little baby cousin?”
“Shut up. No. She told me she had a crush on me since she met me, but I didn’t really pay attention to her until half a year after Sirius died. He even made jokes about her advances, and said I should “get in on that’” both he and James laughed as Lily huffed.
“You guys weren’t together though.”
“No, I told you it wasn’t until winter…”
“Remus, please.” Lily was apparently still impossible to evade.
“Watch it, mate, Lily is still impossible to evade. I should know.”
“No, we weren’t.” he confessed.
“Why not? Sirius won’t explain, really”
“Does he have an explanation? I don’t, I have no idea, James.”
“Come on, Remus…”
“Look, I don’t know. I’ve thought about it ever since he came back, and I still don’t know. And so I’ve put it on the backburner for the time being, okay?”
“Okay, Prongs?”
“Yeah alright. But you guys better not be idiots forever. He misses you something terrible, you know.”
Remus didn’t answer because at that moment a door slammed and a familiar voice shouted. “Hey guys! I think Snivellus is in your bushes!”
Okay, okay, that's not what snape is doing, but isn't that what you pictured?
PS I fiercely need a beta? Volunteers for the other parts of this fic, as i'm wary doing something this long without editing skills of someone more competent.