Random Rant

Oct 26, 2006 08:59

God I hate Tampa. It is fucking smothering me.
As are my parents.I really need to find a fucking job.Oh wait,I did but my fucking so called friend Crystal is too fucking lazy to ever fucking call them back as my reference.ITS NOT THAT FUCKING HARD DUMBASS JUST FUCKING CALL THEM BACK.Thats all I fucking need,and I can start work.Ive pretty much already been hired.But no.Crystal is so fucking concerned with herself and only herself that she can't be fucking bothered to spend 4 mintues of her life on the phone with the lady from Victoria's Secret.

Another fucking thing that pisses me off currently.MY IPOD.I could fucking murder every nigger in the fucking Value Pawn on Fletcher and 15th,I swear.They fucked it up.I KNOW they fucked it up because it was perfect before I pawned it.I highly doubt it stayed in the back of the warehouse.Motherfuckers.I'm looking into whether I can sue them or not.
I'm a fucking college student.My ipod is literally the most valuable item I own next to my laptop.Fuckers.

Also in the news...I got my car taken away. Previously I had the biggest sack of shit ever as my vehicle,a 1995 Nissan Altima GXE.Which I purchased myself...with my stock money. :(
Of course that thing didn't last little more than a year,so when it died beyond the point of it being worth it to fix, I sold it to a random guy for $500.Of course, I have college to attend, so my asshole "parents" let me use the Explorer and they got a new car.Now, my parents have a total of 4 cars and a motorcycle.Two of which are almost brand new and one is a fucking Corvette.{the other car is my mothers husbands Daewoo,which my shit mother and I call the "Prototype Car",because it was probably meant to be a model car it's so cheap}The motorcycle is a Harley.
Now,there has always been a little problem with the front door.You see, when my parents used to really hate me {which happened to be around the time that my bipolar disorder was getting worse and worse and worse...coincidentally it was also during the ridiculous Matt Canan thing..that lasted like a fuckin year.}they had the top lock changed so that they could choose to either lock only the bottom lock {which my key will unlock} or to lock both,which would therefore prevent me from being able to unlock the door unless they were home to let me in.This is obviously the wrong choice in parenting.But what do you expect from two ignorant catholic midwestern farmy people? Now I am 19,but we still have this problem.I have no fucking curfew, I can basically do what I want,but they are so fucking senile that they continously lock the fucking top lock.
Now,this is something usually done at night.But the other day,those stupid bitches locked me out at TEN IN THE MORNING.
What the fuck was I supposed to do? They dont get home until 8 p.m.! sit out fucking side for 10 hours!? I dont think so.So I kicked the fucking door open.It was that or break a window.
So they took my laptop and grounded me from the car.
But I bought that fucking laptop with my fucking money.So they gave it back.But i am still "grounded" from the car.The only truly important thing.
So I havent gone to work,school,or anywhere all week.Since Saturday.Ive gone out a couple times for like...4 hours TOTAL.

Now I am pissed.
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