Thought #1
You know what really chaps my ass?
When people think that being intellectual is just a trend.
And if they want to participate, they can do it in an "easy as 1,2,3" type method.
Put on the glasses, comb the hair (or do the shaggy look) and read a book.
Don't forget to watch indie films and tell us how much more obscure they are than anything we have ever seen.
Same goes with music, the more abstract, shitty, and unknown, the better off your image is.
Bonus points if you start drinking coffee daily and stop smiling at people (being flat out rude is best).
Thought #2
I used to think that drama was a bad thing.
But I have come to realize, it is horrible.
And even more useless than I suspected.
Thought #3
I am mad at noone and I like everyone that I know.
And everyone I have met in the past few days/weeks/months.
Thought #4
I really like the dress clothes and blazer I just bought at Men's Warehouse for Valhalla's formal.
Thought #5
I don't really mind scene kids.
Just the ones that think because their pants are tighter and hair more colorful they somehow have more of a reason to live than me. You win, your hair is indeed cooler, and your pants are mighty tight.
While you obsess over those things, I will be enjoying the music you claim to live for.
But I guess your appearance is more important than the actual music in this scene.
Thought #6
Work sucks.
Having only 2 days off a week sucks aswell.
I need the money, though.
Thought #7
To all of you reading this.
Thank you for everything.
I hope I can do even just half as much for you as you all have done for me. :]
That is all, my dear friends and acquaintances.