Jul 09, 2010 22:34
Am I the only person who thinks all those sea sheperd folks on the whale wars show are a bunch of jackasses? I'm all for protecting animals, but ramming another ship in the middle of the ocean to prevent a dead whale from being proccessed.(and even after rammin the other ship still failing at stopping it from getting transfered to factory ship.) I mean really? Your putting 100 peoples lives at risk to stop a dead whale from being proccessed? It seems like every episode I watch I find myself actually cheering for the whalers.
I noticed on one episode they said one of there ships is worth 2 million dollers. Add that plus price of 2 other ships, fuel, and supplies. Call me crazy, but I can think of alot better more productive things that money could be spent on then funding these second rate pirates little fantasys.
rant end. see ya'll in another 6 months. Hope everyones doing good.