Jun 09, 2006 22:29
After a long, stressful year full of lots of shit and stuff I am home. I'm back in Bothell at least until I find out where I"m living due to the change in schools. I've very happy to be home. Central was pretty crappy, but I lived with Jon and Chuck (which was fun) and near Evan and Mike. I was around a lot of cool people, but there is just nothing to do but play WoW.
I can't work at Freddies anymore because of some stupid automated application that rejected me, so I'll reapply in 6 months. I'm looking for a job now but will probably work at Best Buy. I don't mind I'm just really happy to be back on the west side with all of my friends and family.
In further news I realized that I suck at school and am currently undergoing testing for ADHD to see if I can get help. I am also now on medication for depression, and I'm really looking forward to maybe getting back in a good frame of mind. I"m tired of having no energy or drive to do anything. I'm sure I sound like I"m a wreck, and I was this year, but things are looking up.
In the same category as the testing I realized that though I love history, I can't do it in a college setting. I am too smart to be doing this bad in school. I am switching schools once again and I"m excited for the new path I'm going. Most of you know I'm a PK, and that really hasn't influenced my decision, but I"m going to be attending Trinity Lutheran in Issaquah to get a Youth and Family Ministry degree. This doesn't mean I'll be a preacher, I'd need more schooling for that. What it does mean is I'll be a youth pastor of some sort. This is good because like teaching I'll be helping kids, but in a more conceptual and everyday atmosphere rather than fact based like teaching history. Most people are suprised when they learn I"m a "church guy", but I"m not one of those bible thumpers, in fact i hate them and want to use that fact to reach out to ppl who normally wouldn't like church....kinna like me.
I made 1 friend at CWU and I was very happy, however I didn't get to know her till like the 3rd to last week and that sucks ass. I hope I don't have such horrible luck at TLC. Isaac is back from Afghanistan and will be around in July, and this too makes me happy. At this point I'm babbling cause I"m tired so I figure this is a good enough update for now since I never really update anymore.
Thanks for listening,