Title: Clandestine Author: Dustingforsugar Characters/Pairing: Gwen/Kevin Rating: R or maybe NC-17. I'm suck at rating :/ Warnings: It's quite dark and contains fairly descriptive sexual activity. Word Count: 1,233
Yep. I'm writing about 6-8 other Gwen/Kevin things at the moment. A couple of lemons, a songfic, a longer story (it's about 25K so far) and some drabbley, fluffy things.
I also write Ben/Kevin and Ben/Gwen/Kevin, but I don't post those because I think they suck, lol. I'm much better at writing Gwen/Kevin.
Sounds interesting. I don't usually read much where OCs are the main characters, but they can be fun in supporting roles. I think it's cool that your inspired, I'm curious to see what you come up with :-) I'm not an awesome writer by any means, but if you need any help, someone to bounce ideas off of, or anything really, I would be happy to be of assistance.
Yeah, I might end up posting some of the stuff for the other pairings some day. Not any time soon though, none of it is ever finished. I'm lazy like that ;-)
Just realised I never friended you back. Whoops, I'll go fix that.
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I also write Ben/Kevin and Ben/Gwen/Kevin, but I don't post those because I think they suck, lol. I'm much better at writing Gwen/Kevin.
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Yeah, I might end up posting some of the stuff for the other pairings some day. Not any time soon though, none of it is ever finished. I'm lazy like that ;-)
Just realised I never friended you back. Whoops, I'll go fix that.
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