I am about to make my purpose or my perceived purpose known here. I feel like a I am drawn to open a wholistic health center. A place where people can go to help them in finding their purpose and supporting that goal. This place will involve a lot of different aspects ,such as;
raw food cafe
herbal application
non alcohol bar,for a place to go and be,without the booze
meeting hall,rented out and used for bringing in guest speakers.
nutrition and diet
Begin small diatribe
And the most important element is a donated time allocated of all involved, to giving ,I repeat GIVING these opportunities to lower income and rehabers,convicts and those of the masses, who generally dont have the means to getting the information or tools to bring about the change I have seen these types of activities can produce. I am sick and tired of not being able to afford the the "gifts" of the universe, and i am sure others see it the same way,and even more are ignorant of the way at that is something i can no longer live with. Just beacuse I dont have money i am kept from the secrets and means to grow. i laugh in the general direction of those teachers and point with a designated finger.
Shame ! We all could benefit from GIVING a piece of the truth away. Not have the first things out of our mouths be,"well I get a hundred dollars a hour for information that can help you, and change your life for the better". "F"- that. Just because people cannot afford to pay to find God ,does not mean the are undeserving;>sarcasm. I do not wish to be a man with riches only an man with an enriched existence, I will probably not change the world but I can change mine. I realize that these avenues are a way to have a job and a income and a good feeling about myself, and i see a way that ALL can benefit. When we change the minds and lives of all people ,then we become and live in the idealistic place we envision. Otherwise only the one with the monetary means to attain the knowledge will have it ,and the "ordinary" folk , which make up the majority, will keep on being left out. So in order for me to fulfill my purpose i will have to make a way for them,as many as possible, to get the information and the tools to better their lives.
Big order. Well the universe, or God, or the Divine has it set up so I am confident that this is is my true purpose , the way will fall into place. As well as the people to make it all happen.
My first step is this year to heal myself,as well as set the ball in motion for getting the tools I need to progress in my life as well as the way to achieve my goals.
So I am going about meeting people and learning what it is we all are trying to do here.
End diatribe
Shanti ,Shanti,Shanti
Aum Namo Shivaya