michael richards

Nov 27, 2006 14:33

I JUST saw the kramer go nuts on stage for the first time and in my opinion it was blown way out of proportion. I mean yeah, he said nigger but, people have lost all ratonalism when it comes to this word. I agree the word, as far as its slave meaning, is uncalled for by anyone. But I have black friends, and we say nigger all the time... Well, the best way to describe it is a scene in "pool hall junkies" (AMAZING movie featuring christopher walken and chazz palmientieri and some no name actors ) where a black guy is telling a white guy the difference between the words "nigger" and "nigga"... but the point is, there is more ten one context to the word. Michael Richards is not black... But what's to say he doesnt have black friends... He's a comedian who, as we have all seen has a very crazy behaviour... But the guys interupted him and he used the N word... But I know that if the black guy who he called a nigger would have not freaked out over it, and would have been cool with it, it would have blown over. Look I am not here to say that we need to deseinsitize or anything but COMMON... My american brothers are fighting a war overseas (and so are my canadian brothers as well) over what?! oil? resources??? I feel very strongly that our governments are both wrong. But as our soldiers fight and die... Michael Richards uses the N word and it's a huge thing over the news... What about putting our resources together to find osama? The gy is 7 feet tall in a world of people under 6 feet... We have technology that let's anyone with internet access to see satelite pictures of cities, but NASA can't see where he is?! It's bs... My whole point is that I really think priorities should change... We're destroying our home (global warming/polution) we're ruining our human bond (war and racism) but a comedian who says nigger onstage will get more news coverage then the millions of people dieing of aids in africa... This is seriously just a rant and i apologize if im misunderstood... I dont condone what michael richards did, but you can tell in the video that he is not a racist... He didn't say anything truely hanus or harmful... He even said it that some words still have such shock value... I'm sure on more then one occasion he was called a kyke or any other term from american history x... i truely believe that if we all continue in the direction we're going, there won't be anything left in not too long... I really hope that before 2010, our world changes for the better... I dont know if it means a new world power who is more environmentally conscience but... something needs to happen soon... i love you all!!!!!!! big hugs!
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