(no subject)

Sep 08, 2005 04:57

I have finally figured it out after watchin infomercials on how to make a million dollars in your kitchen in your underwear. I am gonna be rich do to how stupid some people are lol. I have devised a plan, and I swear it would work. This is top secret Information you are about to read and if anyone trys to steal my idea I will KILL you lol. OK well here is my plan. You know how some people say blah blah blah they was so poor and this worked for them well ats what I am gonna do. My plan is to say My Grandmaw BEANS is a physic and can predict the lottery numbers HAHAh. and I am gonna say she told me the numbers one time and I won a Million dollars on like lotto lol.. So basiclly I am gonna have a lil line set up were you pay me 30 bucks and I will have my grandmaw tell you the winnin upcommin lottery numbers, and also make a deal my some weird chance if they do win I get 15% of there winnings LOL. SO basiclly All I need is 10 phone lines and some cheese actors sayin they won and well my grandmaw BEANS. I also wan`t a suit like at one guy with all the question marks on it like that one bad ass dudes that knows all the goverment secrets lol. I have gonna Have Terry on there sayin he won a bunch of money and I can use micks house and new corvette as like props hahaha. YYYYEEESSSS I am gonna be Rich. I know that there has to be some idiots out there who are willin to try. OO and I done got it thought out like the one I just watched I am gonna put results may vary in small letters at the bottum. Yep This is gonna be awsome.

Well I am gonna Go I have to get up in 3 hrs and see why the cops are lookin for me haha. Yeah it is true Wise Countys Favorite Dustin is a Crimminal now LOL I am not exaclty sure what I did and they won`t tell me I have some guess`s but yeah I ain`t sayin nothing. But Yeah Randy Tackett has his eyes on me lol. He must think I am pretty cuase He has been by my house 6 times lol and now he is threatin to arrest me becuase he says i am avodin him. So yeah he is kinda smart I am lol but only the last 2 days HAHAH. the first 4 I was just GONE haha. He don`t reallize that Since my car is there donsen`t mean I am. But either way he left me a note sayin Call him at 8 or go to jail. Pretty simple and Clear. Apperently he don`t like to fuck around. either way I guess I am gonna GO. If I don`t up date for a few days I am hangin out in duffield with some cell mates LOL.

Well I am gonna GO
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