[ welcome to tree hill | private storyline → first post ]

May 03, 2011 22:51

WHO: ihadmittenson and guerillaism
WHAT: Atia decides to send Brooke home along with a little surprise from the island.
WHERE: Brooke and Rachel's bedroom | Tree Hill, North Carolina.
WHEN: April-ish, 2006. Reeeeeeeeeeeeeally early morning the day after Brooke originally got snatched.

[ The first thing Brooke does when she wakes up is check her throat. Considering how weird the collars have been lately, she's always worried about waking up and barely being able to breathe. (Yes, the fact that she's breathing, probably a little too heavily, when she wakes up should be a clear sign that she's okay, but that's beside the point.) When she doesn't feel the metal there against her skin, she drops her hold on the blankets and searches with both hands, as if she maybe missed it the first time.

Her shoulder aches from sleeping on it and the sudden movement doesn't help, but she ignores it because her collar's gone. Completely, 100% gone.

She's about to jump out of bed and grab her device when she realizes that there's something different about her bedroom. Even in the dark, she can tell that something's definitely off. Kicking the blankets off the rest of the way, she swings her legs over the edge of the bed and notices... another bed? She didn't have anyone in her room that night, especially on an entirely different bed, so it takes longer than it really should to click. And the one defining moment where everything sinks in - she's home, finally back in Tree Hill - is when Rachel rolls onto her other side and Brooke catches a glimpse of her red hair.

She clamps a hand down over her mouth to keep from squealing as she gets out of bed, intent on exploring the house she knows fairly well when her foot connects to something on the floor. ]

!psl, ( muse ) brooke davis → ihadmittenson, ( with ) homer yannos → guerillaism

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