the LJ, the LJ, Ooh Ooh the LJ.

Jun 20, 2003 22:48

Hey im updating this bad boy. (whatcha gunna do?)
Everyone is all CRAZY!
Whoa, theres a lot going on this summer, fer me anyways.
Tomarrow i have to go to the eye Doc, and get me some corrective lenses.
Oh yeah and im going with sandy to Her grannys and the fireworks deal. thats sweet.

Dood, The past four days i have been having some Weird-Crazy dreams. For example yesterdays dream was about me going down this long table with all this different kinds of food and i was putting it all on my plate but as i was getting each food item i would sing a song about it. like i remember the mac and cheese one was, Getting some mac and cheese, you just have to say please. oh man its nuts-o. i dunno.
well my other dreams are way to crazy to put on here, thats all im going to say about those ones.

Anyhoooos, Where the hells has jen been? well next week im going to call her or maybe like sunday to see if she wants to come ova and hang out. and i cleaned my room and stuff and i have her and mr aeros clothes here and stuff. i'll see if she wants them.

Monday my brother is going to arrive here! im so happy, thats so damn awesome!
OoOoO and we get a new roof also! no more leakage.

So yeah i think im about done in a whole.

so luvs
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