Why does it always rain on days you have interviews?

Sep 12, 2008 09:33

I mean most of my job interviews it has either been over cast, or just out right raining. Maybe it's just me that has that issue, I'm not too sure. But anyway, I have an interview at Wawa just down the street from me later today. I'm in my normal frantic worried stage, like I don't want to forget anything, not that I have anything to really bring them. I need to take the nail polish off my nails, it's clear but chipped all over. I need to figure out how to iron a shirt and then do so. See if the reds I picked match each other or if it looks like a color blind person was trying to dress themselves. I need to try and get my hair to behave it's self, since it loves to go crazy on rainy days. Wah, all this stuff is a pain, but I need a job. I'll post later with how it went.

[edit] The interview was suprisingly easy, very laid back and comfortable. I think I have a leg up on the other people that apply because I'm servsafe certifide, which is ideal for someone they want to quickly shift to deli and move around the store where needed. I was told they'd called people back for second interviews on tuesday and I'm hoping I'm someone they call.
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