Apr 17, 2008 19:01
Yep, in case I missed calling you, which I'm sorry if I did, I've finished my trade and will start CTP next week. I'll finally be out of the kitchen and I need to get the hell out of this center. I want to get back to DE and to my family and friends. Of all the ghetto ass places to go to school, this takes the fucking cake. I'm so stressed and always in a bad mood cause I'm hardly sleeping and I deal with fucktards 24/7. These are immature little kids that have nothing of the dumbasses we went to high school with. -_- This place makes high school really look like the best 7 years of my life.
I'm sorry I'm bitchy, but I finally got to the library to get away from the students at the center and clear my mind, but there's one on the computer next to me that wants to ask me about prom stuff, lets put it this way, I don't give a rats ass what you do for prom, I'm out in 2-3 weeks. And it couldn't happen sooner if you ask me. I've had enough of this place and these people.
I have 5 million other places to go on an unblocked computer, I wish I could post more, but she's also reading over my shoulder, spiffy.