We're off to Kyoto~...what Big Bird lied? I'm going to CT, danm, any snow there yet?

Sep 19, 2007 20:15

So tomorrow at an ungodly hour of 4ish AM, my mother will put me in the car and we'll start our drive to CT for my tour of New Haven Job Corps. I will tour the center with the normal group and then they hand me off ot an advance student so I can see the center from a students perspective and see my trade area. I need to think of questions I wanted to ask, and I kept saying that I'd write down, but I forgot to. It should be interesting, and I hope to get a better feel of where I'm going and what it will be like. It took a long time to get a hold of setting up this danm tour, and I'm just glad that it's happening.

Well I'm kinda brain dead and feel like I'm getting plenty of sleep but my body isn't feeling it cause I'm feeling run down and moody. But I have a feeling that when job corps gets back my blood test that they'll see that I'm not really taking my iron pills, and that my anemia may be worse then before cause I never took care of it. At least I'm hoping it's my anemia and nothing worse.

Well Keith it working hella late tonight, so I may as well go finish the Bleach CD he sent me for the holidays. And I need to keep an eye on my laundry since I needed to clean clothing for my tour tomorrow since I was informed that I am "Representing the Wilmington Job Corps" last time I checked my name wasn't Wilmington Job Corps and that I'm going there on my families dime and not theirs.
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