yup..just as the title states...I have one...well...one is backstabbing me...not in the normal sense of backstabbing but more in the sense of being a drama king and milking it thinking that he is goijg to get sympathy for " my wrongdoing" to him. Ok here's the background on this little topic...Mike and I have been kinda close friends for a few years. I wouldnt go as far to say that we were super tight because we werent. He wanted to get into my pants and I only liked him as a friend..the fact that he is 26 doesnt help either..I is 19...now...after 3 years or something of knowing him....sick ne? But anyways...we have been kinda losing touch as people do because I went back to school and shit and we hardly had time to get together anymore. He took it all personal and as a slap in his face of "my not wanting to socialize with him anymore" so he kept getting angrier and angrier and more and more bitter towards me. I took it all in stride...and I know I wasnt the best person either...I sure didnt try to make time for him. Honestly I had more important things to do in my mind. Friends can wait when you are srtuggling through school/work/personal relationships. And they did. Laura understood when I stopped e-mailing her and slowed down the letters....Charles understood when I stopped calling him and getting together every weekend for adventures. Andrew understood when we stopped getting together for movie marathons. Even Tyler understood when I kinda cut myself off from him because of it all...him being my boyfriend at the time. But mike? Nope. It was all a sadistic plan to cut him out of my life. So this went on and on until this new years. He was in Las Vegas at the airport using his laotop talking to me on msn. We had decided that we should get together when he got back but before he went to Florida for a week in Mid January. Thats all we had decided. So a week goes by and he comes online saying that I missed our get together. So I am all like What?? Apparently without my knowledge we had made plans to get together on a certain date at a certain time. I certainly didnt know about this little get together. Therefore I spent the day with my lover. So mike comes online and bitches me out saying that I missed all this shit and everything and then he just comes out and says that he doesnt want to ever see me again and bla bla bla. Then ne does this....
http://nyokotavern.utopiades.com That WAS my art site. Now it is a personal bashing of my skull onto the curb. So anywhoo...that is part of my rant....I had more planned but I honestly forgot what it was.... *charles started talking to me on msn and I got caught up in that forgetting why i was so angry.....boo* Comment if you like...dont if you feel that way...either or I just needed to bitch for a while....fuckers....