me and marathon movie watching

May 22, 2010 03:04

first off day from school and finals week. ugh. just had to watch as much t.v. and movies as i could.

grey's anatomy was so awesome, pulling at my heartstrings and makin me quiver.
what else did i watch? oh yeah, The Secret of Kells. it was boring for the most part, some of the forest scenes were nice. that little fairy girl was very bratty.
alice in wonderland with johnny deppppp. i liked it, except for alice. anne hathaway is my true alice. and the helena queen was so entertaining. and i watched madea goes to jail last week, which was still funny enough for me to wanna watch it again. oh yeah and i saw oblivion island, an interesting, heartwarming movie about a fox creature stealing forgotten people stuff. that was better than i thought it would be.
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