Aug 16, 2009 18:13
Oh darn. Eve Myles has been cast in a new, entirely not-Torchwood BBC1 drama. Wouldn't it just be horrible if she was so tied up in that she could never ever ever participate in whatever attempt at resurrecting Torchwood Russel T. Davies decided to put together?
Disclaimer 1: I do not dislike the actress, I think she's lovely. Events have made me very unlikely to hold much love for the character of Gwen Cooper-Williams, however.
Frequent events. Season and series-spanning events.
And possibly a small bit of spite because her creator is apparently IN LOVE WITH HER/wants to be her and I think he's a talentless hack who needs to be hit upside the head with the entire run of Buffy to see how someone can handle dark without erasing all possibility of hope AND making it seem meaningful at the time.
Disclaimer 2: No, I don't believe Joss is perfect and did ocassionally dislike plot choices of his as well and wonder what the HELL he was smoking and where I could get some of it. But comparatively? FRIGGIN' SHAKESPEARE, man. T'is truth.
And Joss at least seems to think the people he creates stories for are worthy of some respect. Which is why some of us luff him.