Since the authors were all revealed today, I have posted my two
thestopwatch stories
here and
Now I just need to clean a bit (my GOD, I've turned into a slob since getting home from Atlanta), then finish my "you're a wonderful beta and I'm sorry I fell asleep on you in IM the other night like a big narcoleptic loser" present for
mithfeniel - a present that was meant to be a drabble and has since attempted to take on a life of its own - and then I just need to wrap up this silly book thing FINALLY (at least I worked on it a little while we were in Atlanta, when I wasn't scribbling Janto porn) and then I'll consider this a fairly productive Sunday.
It's possible my idea of the meaning of 'productive' has been slightly warped over the years.
EDIT: GIP! For an explanation (not that the general meaning of it needs explanation, but if you're wondering about the asteriks) I suggest NOT asking
mithfeniel or