Icon Meme

Jan 10, 2008 22:03

Comment on this post saying "do me" or something to that effect. I'll choose six userpics from your profile and you'll reply, explaining what they mean and why you're using them. Post this along with your answers in your own journal so others can play along.

These are the icons oriencor picked:

I made this one for Valentine's Day, either last year or the year before. It's Cupid's arrow (I think from a Victorian post card I found scanned online) cocked and aimed and ready to fire. I was having a particularly "Bah! Humbug!" attitude toward the holiday when I made it.

This is a quote from the first Mythbusters pirate special (muttered by Adam Savage before heading into the "Does the eyepatch improve night-vision" obstacle course, as I recall). It's one of a couple Mythbusters quotes I've iconed. I think I've used it a bit more than the others, though.

Heh. Sexy pirate!Will icon. Everyone needs a sexy pirate!Will icon! It should be a law. I swear, y'all can have Captain Jack (well, THAT Captain Jack *eg*). I'll keep the undead pirate captain all to m'self.

There was just something very calm and serene about Inara's bathing scene from the Firefly pilot, and I really loved that shot of her. I love that Morena Baccarin isn't some bony twig and that those curves are displayed without shame in that scene and particularly in that shot. Besides, I really just needed a Firefly/Serenity icon after YOU got me addicted to the show. *g*

From the Charmed episode with the three monkeys. Seemed fitting with my other monkey icons and the plethora of stuffed monkeys on my desk at work (we used to be monkey-mad in my office. Now our mascot's a stuffed Hamster. Go fig). It also comes in handy, thanks to Paige's expression, as a "Very.Not.Happy!" icon.

It was just the look on Kaylee's face as she bit into that strawberry. Pure, simple heaven right there in the smallest, most ordinary package. Just kinda had to do it, I guess. That, and I had plans to make an LJ header and layout of that scene (shamelessly quoting either "Strawberry Fields Forever" or "Strawberries" by Edwin Morgan - lovely poem, highly recommend it) but it ended up sucking and I never finished it.


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