Tumblr is a laziness-enabler

Jun 26, 2014 07:43

There are a number of reasons I'm fond of Tumblr, but it sucks as a platform for discussion. And, okay, I knew that going in, but I didn't anticipate just how frustrating, say, looking for people talking about new episodes of stuff would be. On forums, there are threads, often designated threads. On journal comms, there are discussion posts where everyone gathers. On Tumblr, there are posts upon posts hidden behind cuts that might contain thoughtful insight or might contain two-sentence, nondescript flailing. Not that I have anything against the latter on principle, mind you, but it's not what I'd consider worth opening a new tab for. Just. Bleh. Whatever.

I clearly need to ease myself back into the journaling platforms.

cripes i'm whiny, fandom

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