Jul 01, 2021 22:14
As much as I enjoyed my nap yesterday, it threw my sleep schedule completely out of whack and I ended up not falling asleep again until about five in the morning. Oof! And then I managed to completely forget about calling the dentist. Double oof. I've at least looked into, y'know, where to call since then. My original plan was to find a place close to home but that was when I still harbored some hope of booking something for this week. Now I'm thinking of trying to get an early morning appointment sometime soon at the office near my work, so I can just head over when I'm finished.
Today was another low-productivity day. My sister did come over but my nephew was all hyped up on his own youth and wouldn't go down for a nap, so no closet work got done. I did manage to go through a bin of magazines to prepare for Goodwill. I was so pleased to hit the bottom of it, marveling that it was so much less work than I'd anticipated, as there were so many fewer than I remembered. Then I realized that the bin under it was also full of magazines. I haven't finished going through all those yet but my mom will be available to help me with that tomorrow. Then I'll get them all sorted and we'll haul them off. Some of what I've already gone through have turned out to be too damaged to donate, so those will go to my mom's school-- and possibly to my older niblings-- for collage purposes.
It's weird to think my week of freedom is almost over. I won't be going back until Tuesday-- we've got Monday off because of the Fourth being on Sunday-- but I'm already feeling kinda down. It doesn't help that I didn't accomplish nearly what I'd hoped to.
cripes i'm whiny,