Jan 29, 2009 21:22
Wow, so it's been a while.
First of all my cat is totes fine.
(also I will never stop saying totes, it's my new favorite thing)
He recovered from his surgery and is doing excellent.
He still has to be quarantined for six months, which is ridic, but at least he's okay.
School is going well.
I'm taking English Lit, College Algebra, History since 1877, Intro. To Government, and Disability and Society.
It all adds up to a shit ton of reading but I'm sort of okay with that.
Also I get to car pool with Audrey so it's all good.
Break was fun but it totes made me miss everyone.
In other news my hair is way too long, I'm chopping it off as soon as winter is over... if that ever happens.
Also my new/old found love for Gary Oldman has reached the point where Sagan and I made t-shirts with his face on them =] ohhh yeahhhh
My manager kept picking on me for it, but I know that he was secretly jealous.
Um... and then I had nothing else to talk about and I .jizzed.in.my.pants.
p.s. Everyone should go on hulu and look up SNL The Mirror, it is hilarious.