Ever get that feeling like you are an extra in Neon Genisis or Lantana? When everyone gets a little manic due to heat related lack of sleep and the cicadas drone echos around in the back of your head?
I had that yesterday. Couldn't be bothered attempting to sleep. So we ventured out into the city and went to the
Famous Spiegeltent to see the Crooked Fiddle Band. I was blown away by the atmosphere and the tent is divine. It's how entertainment should be. Beautiful timber and leadlight windows with turned brass carousel poles and red leather booth seats. Gold fringing on red velvet bunting and a striped roof with a trapieze.
I think I'm in love.
And this morning I had air-con stress and swore to myself that I would not let the day pass without getting one. Even though we are broke. So I rang up my brother and asked to borrow some cash. Then I looked online and plotted where I could get one from, all the while cursing Alexandria for existing in a public transport blackspot and steeled myself for the trip of hell..
Only to be saved by a phone call from Ivan letting us know that he has a portable split system he's not using and he could drop it over by lunchtime.
Praise the Lord!
And now the cool change has hit and we don't need it anymore.
Bloody weather. At least I'll be able to sleep tonight.