Apr 19, 2006 17:05


Is your hair up?: it was up but not anymore
Is your phone right beside you?: yessss
Do you have a bf/ gf?: no :(
Do you miss someone?: um....half
Do you wish you were somewhere else?: ENGLAND BABY on the set of harry potter
Do you have plans for tonight?: umm working out and going to walmart for some make up
Are you wearing makeup?: yes
Are you wearing chapstick?: yess, blistex is my lover&hearts
Are you cold?: uuhhmm im warm
Are you tired?: sort of
Are you excited?: to work out? it will look good in the end, so yes :)
Are you watching t.v.?: im on the computer....?
Are you wearing pajamas?: no im wearing my normal clothes
Who's the last person you IMed?: uhmm, angela
Who's the last person that called you?: angela


Anything you regret?: dont we all?
Ever lied?: yes
Ever stuck gum under a desk?: where else would i put it?
Ever spit at someone?: you mother fucker
Ever kick something living?: no
Ever had your nails done?: yeah, but never again. it tickles like shit
Ever thrown up because you cried so hard?: wow no


Have any plans last week? HA! no
Who did you see most last week? angela and claire
Was last week interesting? wow yes
Have you yelled at someone? uhmm many times. im highly opinionated......MR.WHEELER IS A FUCK
Have you gotten mad at someone? um like 7 people actually
Have you cried? yes
Have you called more than 3 people? no. thats sad
Have you IMed more than 3 people?: yes
Have you eaten anything gross? ew brocoli soup. it was so gross



1. First thing you did this morning?: turned off my alarm clock
2. Last thing you ate? soup &hearts
3. Is your cell phone a piece of crap?: pretty much I DONT HAVE ONE
4. What's something you look forward to most in the next 6 weeks?
5. What's annoying you right now?: my back hurting
6. What's the last movie you saw?: pay it forward. cried so hard
7. Do you believe in long distance relationships?: never

Q: Is there a person who is on your mind right now?: ahh...not really

Q Where is the last place you went? school

Q: Who is the last person you called?: jamie

Q: Been cheated on?: never

Q: Do you have any siblings?: yess

Q: Do you smile often?: i think so

Q: Do you think that someone is thinking about you right now? uhh i hope :)

Q: Choose one to have (love, beauty, creativity): all of the above suckers

Q: Do you wish on stars?: it doesn't work

Q:Does it work?: uumm try looking up stupid

Q: Do you untie your shoes every time you take them off?: no

Q: Would you kill someone?: no

Q: When did you last cry? today, pay it forward :(

Q: Do you like your handwriting?: i write like a little boy. you tell me.

Q: Are you a friendly person? yeah

Q: Are you keeping a secret from the world? hahha like 50.

Q: Who's bed did you sleep in last night? mine.

Q: What color shirt are you wearing? green

Q: Do you have any pets? no

Q: What is the color of your bedsheets? white & yellow

Q: What were you doing at 9 last night? watching the tube

Q: I can't wait till... guys mature

Q: When is the last time you saw your dad? uh...20 minutes?

Q: Look to your left. What's there? phone

Q: Do you own a picture phone? no

Q: Ever cried yourself to sleep? no

Q: Ever cried on your friends shoulder? no

Q: Song that makes you cry? god theres so many...hide and seek, one year six months....

Q: Are you a normally happy person? yes

Q: Is your self-esteem low? EXTREME

Q: What color are your eyes? brown

Q: Long or Short hair? medium

Q: Current Music? you'd laugh if i said

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