okay ugh im so mad because every one is telling me different ways to update my journal into a community and i give up. im posting them now in or out of a community. hope you like, i worked hard. now looking back on it my text icons aren't that good but hopefully the others make up for it
-->Emilie De Ravin
-->Rupert Grint
-->Clemence Poesy
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I like the coloring you've used for them and the Rupert ones are very cute. I hope you don't mind but I do have a suggestion for you: You should probably number your icons so it's easier for people to let you know which icons they're taking/liking/whatever. People are sometimes lazy buggers and they don't like counting themselves. Do you still need help with cross-posting? The easiest thing to do is just to post a link to your journal to a community with a couple of preview icons. Let me know if you still have questions!
The other way is: you post all your icons at your journal. Then when you post at a community, you take a couple of sample icons from your journal post (like a preview to what's to come), and include a link to your journal using this: http://www.livejournal.com/support/faqbrowse.bml?faqid=67 If you want to cross-post to different communities, just copy and paste what you wrote from one community to the other (just change the preview icons to match the community's theme).
Is this making any sense whatsoever? I know it was hard for me to do this when I was just starting out in LJ too......if you're still having problems, check out the FAQ page on LJ. It really does help.
its always great to find another person who loves the same random things as you! yeaah I'm agree ! , *hugs* , *happy*^^
Do you have a free account with Photobucket? If you do, it's more than likely that you used up your bandwidth for the month and they turn your pics into those annoying thingamahjigs from Photobucket. If you have the money to buy a premium account, you should....but if not, it's better that you do smaller batches of icons or delete old icons as you make new ones. You could, of course, use other free photo hosting sites like ImageShack or supload but they're not ideal for icons because uploading them is a bitch (sometimes you can only upload two images at a time) and it's no guarantee that the pic will continue to be hosted at that site if it uses up too much bandwidth. Am I just babbling or is this making sense to anyone besides me? Hope it helps......
You can email me at mediocrechick at livejournal dot com, if you need more help. TTFN!
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